Loop Control in the System of Digitally Transformed Museum Communication - Juniper Publishers

Loop Control in the System of Digitally Transformed Museum Communication

Authored by Daria Hookk

The modern paradigm of the museum mission requires the innovative methods and tools for scientific investigations and applied informatics in museum work. The open access electronic resources turn to be storage of useful data on cultural heritage, national history and cultural relations. The continuous museum social research has revealed the museums to be the place where people try to avoid social cataclysm and any crisis, financial or psychological – museum attendance increases at the time of economic or political instability. At the same time, the digital and communication technologies result in change in ordinary museum functioning. The museums try to apply some successful marketing solutions for their top-line growth, like VR for attractive dissemination. While the interactive and mobile applications are based on cognitive approach, museum audience prefers emotional component. Thus a loop control in virtual museum space requires a tool for emotional balance control.


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