The Neanderthal Art from Brunique Cave. Becaming Human an Inhuman Creation - Juniper Publishers

The Neanderthal Art from Brunique Cave. Becaming Human an Inhuman Creation

Authored by Santiago Wolnei Ferreira Guimarães

In May 2016, a great discovery brought to light the rearmost evidence about art ever made. The circular structure made with stalagmites and fragments of stalactites fallen to the ground of Brunique Cave, in France, was interpreted as the oldest art ever registered, made 176,000 years ago [1]. his kind of discovery, although apparently another source in order to think of the birth of symbolic thought and also in other dimensions of the mind, which include the aesthetic world, revealed another problem. In the primordial truth, this problem is constituted as a paradigm perhaps not yet systematized by most scientists involved in such discovery.
The very early age found, together with its insertion within the continental local context, guides all the problems not relative to one of our creations, but indeed, to other species: the Homo neanderthalensis. In this sense, how to make something in short, human, thus made by a being not absolutely human? The problem is dense and deep, because art would involve categories of thought beyond an event resulting from purely technical nature and manipulation of surroundings. It would be rather, a phenomenon arisen from inside and expose in front of our ears, mouths, hands and including, other input means, in accordance with each culture and its rituals, but also according to each individual.

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