
Showing posts from July, 2019

Geology and Climate Relating to Archaeological Water Management in Jordan- Juniper Publishers

Archaeology & Anthropology -  Juniper Publishers Abstract All questions concerning water management in Jordan through time must begin with the ways in which water becomes naturally available in the environment, and this depends crucially on the two interlinked factors of geology and climate. Although these are natural factors, they may also be affected by human activity, to produce changes that are both planned and unplanned. It must be said that studies which consider anthropogenic impacts on, for example, soils in Jordan are just at the beginning. To date it is still hard to separate out long-term, short-term and medium-term changes and to ascribe these with certainty to either natural fluctuations or human activities. In many cases the way the landscape has changed at a micro-regional level must be to do with a complex interplay of natural and cultural factors. This paper presents an overview of the geology of Jordan as currently understood, a description o

Juniper Publishers: Internet Computerized Adaptive Testing to Detect C...

Juniper Publishers: Internet Computerized Adaptive Testing to Detect C... : Psychologyand Behavioral Science International Journal   Juniper Publishers Abstract Objective:  Surveys are often conducted but rar...

Juniper Publishers: Internet Computerized Adaptive Testing to Detect C...

Juniper Publishers: Internet Computerized Adaptive Testing to Detect C... : Psychologyand Behavioral Science International Journal   Juniper Publishers Abstract Objective:  Surveys are often conducted but rar...

Juniper Publishers: A Radiological Gamut in the Diagnosis and Treatmen...

Juniper Publishers: A Radiological Gamut in the Diagnosis and Treatmen... : Open Access Ophthalmology Journal     Juniper Publishers Abstract Aims & Objectives:  The main objectives of this work are, on...

Inca Mortuary Practices. Material Accounts of Death in Quebrada De Humahuaca at the Time of the Empire- Juniper Publishers

Archaeology & Anthropology -  Juniper Publishers Abstract This contribution has the purpose of presenting a set of material evidences linked to mortuary practices from Inca times recovered in Esquina de Huajra and Pucara de Tilcara archaeological sites. This in order to ponder the role of funerary practices in the social life of loca populations under Inca control. The presented contexts refer to diverse practices pointing at the great variability regarding the treatment of the deceased during Inca times, allowing to analyze the new socio-political context established in Quebrada de Humahuaca. The funerary practices registered refer to a strong tradition linked to the cult to the ancestors, probably rooting from pre-Inca moments. As in other Andean cases, these manifestations could have responded to beliefs associated with the regeneration of crops and productive cycles in general. The role of the deceased in strengthening the collective memory and the meaning

Juniper Publishers: Prostate Volume, Size Does Matter. Growth Dynamics...

Juniper Publishers: Prostate Volume, Size Does Matter. Growth Dynamics... : JOJ Urology & Nephrology     Juniper Publishers Abstract Background:  Analysis of prostatic growth has focused on the whole glan...

The Voynich Manuscript Interprupted as Tibetan- Juniper Publishers

Archaeology & Anthropology -  Juniper Publishers Abstract The Voynich Manuscript is written in Tibetan. The Hebrew tribe of Manasseh likely passed through Tibet on their way to North America. The left behind the script that was detained by the Tibetan Monks. This is why the American Indian Language reflects the mysterious language. It is also why it appears to be Semitic. Abraham was Semitic. The paper presents a table that will allow the interested reader to translate the entire document. It could more easily be read simply by someone who reads Tibetan handwriting. Keywords: Vaaaaoynich Manuscript; Tibetan Language; American Indian; Manasseh; Israel; Script; Tablets; Handwriting; Mother Nature; Microbiology; Astrology; Astronomy; Anatomy; Biology; Polymer; Scriptures; Letters; Alphabet Introduction On December 10, 2014, I was looking for a new unsolved problem. I came across a bright webpage that list 25 of the most intriguing Mysteries of the pr