
Showing posts from November, 2019

Juniper Publishers: Juniper Publishers| It’s time to be thankful to al...

Juniper Publishers: Juniper Publishers| It’s time to be thankful to al...

From the Arabian Peninsula to the Levant: Arab Tribes and the Syrian War-Juniper Publishers

Archaeology & Anthropology -  Juniper Publishers Introduction In 1916, a young liaison officer, Lieutenant T.E. Lawrence of the British Army travelled to Jeddah located in today’s Saudi Arabia, in the midst of the First World War to meet with Faysal, the third son of the Sharif of the holy Islamic city of Mecca, Husayn Ibn Ali. In that meeting, the wick of an Arab revolt was lit that would transform the entire region. That young officer would later be known internationally as ‘Lawrence of Arabia’.The Arabs of the region launched an armed insurrection against the Ottoman Empire, driven by the British promises of an independent pan-Arab state in what has come to be known as the McMahon Commitment[1].These promises were never intended to be kept as Great Britain and France secretly negotiated the Sykes-Picot Agreement that would define the territorial ambitions of both powers in the Middle East after the Ottomans were defeated[2], turning the agreement signed w

Juniper Publishers: Airway Microbiota and Allergic Diseases: Clinical ...

Juniper Publishers: Airway Microbiota and Allergic Diseases: Clinical ... : INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PULMONARY & RESPIRATORY SCIENCES Introduction Bronchial Asthma is an airway disease with variable ...

Centrists Vs Salafists on the Islamic Concept of Peace-Juniper Publishers

Archaeology & Anthropology -  Juniper Publishers Introduction AlQaradawi’s Response to the Pope’s Critique of Islam -Wasaṭiyya as Islamic PR Various Muslim Scholars, not least Egyptian Sheikh Yusuf alQaradawi, raised some claims in rebuttal to Pope Benedict XVI’s September, 2006 address in Germany. Ideological light of the wasatiyya or Centrist school of thought, alQaradawi sees himself as ideological heir to Hassan alBanna, founder of the Muslim Brotherhood, in which alQaradawi was formerly a member. The Pope had quoted seventh century Byzantine Emperor Manuel II, who said: “Show me just what Muhammad brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and in human, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached.” AlQaradawi’s response to the Pope is part of a broad-spectrum effort to cultivate a Centrist Islamic discourse in an Age of Globalization, as AlQaradawi writes “Our Islamic Discourse in The Age of Globalization.” In