
Showing posts from February, 2020

Juniper Publishers: The New Applications of Trans-Perineal Ultrasound ...

Juniper Publishers: The New Applications of Trans-Perineal Ultrasound ... : Journal of Case Studies - Juniper Publishers Mini Review The Improvement of spatial resolution of new ultrasound machines were ena...

Juniper Publishers: Live Taenia Worms in the Appendix: A Case Report-J...

Juniper Publishers: Live Taenia Worms in the Appendix: A Case Report-J... : Journal of Surgery - Juniper Publishers Abstract Taenia saginata  is a zoonotic cestode causing  taeniasis. Taeniasis  refers to th...

Mesopotamia 2550 B.C.: The Earliest Boundary Water Treaty-Juniper Publishers

Archaeology & Anthropology -  Juniper Publishers Mini Review Mesilim [or Mesalim, born ca. 2600 B.C.] was the ruler of Kish, a kingdom north of Lagash and Umma, which held a traditional ‘hegemonic’ position in the loose alliance of small adjoining Sumerian city-states in the region between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, south of what was to become Babylon [4]. Because of the prevailing precarious rainfall conditions, the agricultural economy of the entire delta area has always been crucially dependent on irrigation [5], mainly from the ‘great Tigris’, through an elaborate system of canals and levees which inevitably require close inter-community cooperation. The geographic focus of the bilateral Lagash-Umma agreement, concluded under Mesilim’s authority as external arbiter, was the fertile Gu-edena valley, roughly ten by four kilometers wide and irrigated by Tigris waters from a canal named Lum-magirnunta (probably the modern Shatt al-Hayy) on the border bet

Juniper Publishers: Death Drive In Psychoanalysis versus Existential P...

Juniper Publishers: Death Drive In Psychoanalysis versus Existential P... : Journal of Psychology and Behavioral Science - Juniper Publishers Introduction In Greek myth, the demon of death was the son of Nix...

Juniper Publishers: Soft Palate Dimensions and Nasopharyngeal Depth (N...

Juniper Publishers: Soft Palate Dimensions and Nasopharyngeal Depth (N... : Journal of Dentistry & Oral Health - Juniper Publishers Abstract Objectives:  Are to compare the soft palate length (SPL), widt...

Juniper Publishers: Oxidative Stress in Bacteria Measured by Flow Cyto...

Juniper Publishers: Oxidative Stress in Bacteria Measured by Flow Cyto... : Journal of Biotechnology & Microbiology - Juniper Publishers Abstract The CellROX® Deep Red flow cytometry kit (Life technologi...

Cave Art and the Origins of Language-Juniper Publishers

Archaeology & Anthropology -  Juniper Publishers Opinion The term Cave paintings, also known as parietal art, refers to painted drawings on cave walls or ceilings, mainly of prehistoric origin, originating roughly 40,000 years ago (around 38,000 BCE) in Eurasia. The term is generally deployed in connection with Stone Age art created during the last Ice Age, between about 40,000 and 10,000 BCE - a period generally referred to as the ‘Upper Paleolithic’. Cave art has been found on every continent except Antarctica. In Europe, about 350 sites have been discovered, from the southernmost tip of the Iberian Peninsula (Gibraltar) to the Russian Urals. Nearly half (about 160) of these paintings are located in France. There are a few ‘hot-spots’, all of which are to be found within the region of Franco-Cantabrian Cave Art (40,000-10,000 BCE), in northern Spain and southern France - either in shallow rock shelters, or in deep caves. Much of the archaeological and anthr

Juniper Publishers: The Effect of Low-Level Electrical Stimulation of ...

Juniper Publishers: The Effect of Low-Level Electrical Stimulation of ... : Journal of Cardiology & Cardiovascular Therapy - Juniper Publishers Opinion Congenital heart failure (HF) is one of the most po...

The Importance of Trust-Juniper Publishers

Archaeology & Anthropology -  Juniper Publishers Opinion To state the obvious, the sentiment of love plays an extremely important role among human beings. Throughout the world, there is romantic love and there is parental love and there is the love between siblings and there is the is love between friends. Of course, one can ask whether one form of love is more significant than the other forms. Alas, a quite significant truth is that if any one of the forms of love mentioned were completely absent among human beings, then it would be unequivocally true that owing to the absence of the form of love in question, there would clearly be a quite substantial difference in the behavior of human beings that would reflect the absence of that form of love. Regardless of the type of love, the very nature of love at its very best is the genuine affirmation that is clearly a majestic display of that love. And while it is certainly the case that a person can occasionally

The Voynich Manuscript Interprupted as Tibetan-juniper Publishers

Archaeology & Anthropology -  Juniper Publishers Introduction On December 10, 2014, I was looking for a new unsolved problem. I came across a bright webpage that list 25 of the most intriguing Mysteries of the present time. I spotted the Voynich Manuscript riddle, which I had not heard of before hitherto. I thought to myself, that is the next problem for me. I had already decoded the Minoan Tablets. It was exciting. So, I gave the Voynich Manuscripts a try. At first glance, the print looked to be German to me on the internet site “Voynich Manuscript Images.” [1]. Then I realized that all the illustrations pointed to Biology, Anatomy, Microbiology, Astrology, perhaps Astronomy, and Greek goddesses. The whole thing spoke to me as a work on Mother Nature. I thought perhaps it was written by a woman, a Lesbian (Lesbo), or a witch. I realized that there were sometimes 7 women or 8. I looked up the Greek goddesses. There are 7 of them. That was a clue. Then I real

Juniper Publishers: Classification System of Drugs Risk during Pregnan...

Juniper Publishers: Classification System of Drugs Risk during Pregnan... : Journal of Gynecology and Women’s Health-Juniper Publishers Abstract The exposure to medicines during pregnancy have a potential ri...

Economic Development with Creative Tourism Reflection of Iran’s Facts-Juniper Publishers

Archaeology & Anthropology -  Juniper Publishers Introduction Oxford English Dictionary defines the noun of tourism, as ‘travel for pleasure’. Traveling has always been a human need. Seeing everywhere, pry, and understanding other civilizations are development motors of communities. Nevertheless, types of tourists and their motivations have always been under change. Patterns and systems of tourism are varying by the time passing. The changes are caused by various livelihoods and cultures of the regions. Different environments, climates, natural systems and people make the varieties. Theses diversities enhance the contents of sociocultural systems too. Such dissimilarities make foundations for innovations and creativity. Handicraft productions are the result of the creativity. Today, the tourism industry, particularly the creative tourism, is a key to developments in major countries, especially underdevelopment countries. According to statistics and reports, the tourism ind