
Showing posts from November, 2018

Using Computational Methods to Understand the Past in The Present - Juniper Publishers

Using Computational Methods to Understand the Past in the Present  Authored by Juan A Barcelo Cultural heritage is a wide concept; an expression of the ways of living developed by community and passed on from generation to generation (ICOMOS 2002). In this paper I examine the idea that “archaeological heritage” is the information we can extract from material evidence from the past with use of scientific analysis. As prehistoric stones and ancient potsherds do not speak for themselves, the transformation of archaeological material into scientific data and into explanatory knowledge is the most challenging aspect of modern archaeological methodology. New techniques based on artificial intelligence, virtual reality and reverse engineering are needed to approach cultural heritage in a explicitly functional way. The challenge is to demonstrate how we may put our knowledge of the past to beneficial use in helping people to understand where the present came from and sha

“Il numero come forza”: Medical Expertise and the Biopolitics of the Female Body in Benito Mussolini’s Battaglia Demografica - Juniper Publishers

“Il numero come forza”: Medical Expertise and the Biopolitics of the Female Body in Benito Mussolini’s Battaglia Demografica Authored by Kylie Tora Basuki Liu In his Ascension Day Speech, given before Parliament on 26th May 1927, Benito Mussolini dedicated most of the first half to an examination of the ‘crisis’ threatening the Italian populace in terms of its physical and racial wellbeing (“esame della situazione del popolo italiano dal punto divista della salute fisica e della razza”). Using predominantly medicalized terms, he described the nation as ridden with pellagra, tuberculosis, malignant tumours, malaria, alcoholism, and suicides. The underlying problem, he identified, was Italy’s declining birthrates - a sign of a dying nation, and offered himself as a cure. Calling himself “the doctor who does not overlook the symptoms, and these are the symptoms which should make us seriously reflect” (“io sono il clinico che non trascura i sintomi, e questi sono sint

Preindustrial Water Management in Eastern Africa - Juniper Publishers

Preindustrial Water Management in Eastern Africa Authored by Chapurukha M Africanist anthropologists have intensively studied land use and land rights, but rights to water are often more fundamental; managing water is often the centerpiece of social organization related to the environment. Not surprisingly, water management has been the center of many anthropological approaches to the origins of social complexity. Our paper will discuss how East African communities managed, used, stored, and distributed water and how they developed intensive agricultural practices in relatively arid environments. We examine two comparative examples from Eastern Africa in detail: hill slope irrigation systems and rice farming in Madagascar. To Read more.. Fulltext in Global Journal of Archaeology & Anthropology in Juniper Publishers

Recent Research on Bronze Age Metal Deposits in Poland - Juniper Publishers

Recent Research on Bronze Age Metal Deposits in Poland Authored by Justyna Baron The review aims at presenting recent research directions in studies on Bronze Age metal deposits in the area of contemporary Poland.Starting from a brief presentation of mainopinions what the deposits are, I will bring some examples of recent studies involving interesting questions. In general, the research is focused on two main areas: one is a natural and cultural context of deposits while the other one, with the application of use-wear analysis, refers to biographies of particular objects. To Read more.. Fulltext in Global Journal of Archaeology & Anthropology   in Juniper Publishers

The Impact of Native American Activity on Vegetation and Soil Charcoal in the Eastern US - Juniper Publishers

The Impact of Native American Activity on Vegetation and Soil Charcoal in the Eastern US Authored by  Abrams Marc D This research was conducted to ascertain whether areas of cultural resources where significant Native American activity has occurred during the Late Woodland and Mississippian Time Periods can be identified through the dominant vegetation composition and soil features of the present-day landscape. A general hypothesis is that Native Americans left a legacy of their land uses in the present-day ecosystem by propagating certain important wild plant species and crop species in the forest, known as “indicator species”, as well as the presence of soil charcoal from past fire activity. Present-day forest ecosystems in eastern Virginia and northern New York contained many Native American indicator species and buried soil charcoal. Pinpointing a combination of geological, soil, topographical and vegetation characteristics that are typical of Late Woodland a

Loop Control in the System of Digitally Transformed Museum Communication - Juniper Publishers

Loop Control in the System of Digitally Transformed Museum Communication Authored by Daria Hookk The modern paradigm of the museum mission requires the innovative methods and tools for scientific investigations and applied informatics in museum work. The open access electronic resources turn to be storage of useful data on cultural heritage, national history and cultural relations. The continuous museum social research has revealed the museums to be the place where people try to avoid social cataclysm and any crisis, financial or psychological – museum attendance increases at the time of economic or political instability. At the same time, the digital and communication technologies result in change in ordinary museum functioning. The museums try to apply some successful marketing solutions for their top-line growth, like VR for attractive dissemination. While the interactive and mobile applications are based on cognitive approach, museum audience prefers emotion

Waist Circumference, Waist-Hip Ratio and Body Mass Index in Assessing Nutritional Status and Central Obesity of Adolescent - Juniper Publishers

Waist Circumference, Waist-Hip Ratio and Body Mass Index in Assessing Nutritional Status and Central Obesity of Adolescent Authored by KanKana De WHR is used as a measurement of obesity, which in turn is a possible indicator of other more serious health conditions. The WHO states that abdominal obesity is defined as a waist–hip ratio above 0.90 for males and above 0.85 for females, or a body mass index (BMI) above 30.0. Area of study and Sample size: Subjects are adolescent girls aged 10-19 years. They belong to Salboni Block which is one of blocks of Paschim Medinipur, Westbengal, Participants of socioeconomic data are collected through structured questionnaire, anthropometric data are collected through different instruments, cross section study is done over 1009 girls. To Read more.. Fulltext in  Global Journal of Archaeology & Anthropology in Juniper Publishers

Advancing Archaeological Research through Remote Sensing: The Example of Tylliria Area in Cyprus- Juniper Publishers

Advancing Archaeological Research through Remote Sensing: The Example of Tylliria Area in Cyprus  Authored by Vasiliki Lysandrou Tylliria area is situated in the north-west part of Cyprus. Its geographical territory counts several villages of Nicosia and Paphos Districts, on the basis of the modern administrative division of the island. The area is bounded in the eastern part from Kampos River and the village of Pomos in the west To Read more.. Fulltext in Global Journal of Archaeology & Anthropology  in Juniper Publishers